Mailbag Monday — Week of February 10th, 2020

From: Jon Merrill, FMP, Director, Visa Real Estate Services, Denver, CO
To: Roy Van Esselstine, Market Manager, Colorado District
Team, this morning I had a ‘water cooler’ chat with an employee, in our breakroom. We introduced ourselves. He told me what he does and upon hearing what I do, what our team does to maintain the building, the site and my explanation to him that he is our customer, he spent a few minutes talking about how important it is that we do what we do and that he looks forward to coming to work. He pointed out that earlier this week he worked from home, due to the weather, and he was happy when he was able to return to work! He wasn’t joking!
Anyway, this is a small example, but an important broader point that everything we do, big and small, every service we provide and manage and project we execute has impact and our customers, though they seldom vocalize it, appreciate it!