Winter Break – Give Your School a Clean Review

winter break

As winter break approaches, schools across the country are gearing up for a well-deserved rest. While students and teachers eagerly anticipate the holidays, it’s essential to recognize that winter break offers a golden opportunity for another important task – deep cleaning. FBG understands the significance of giving your school a thorough cleaning during the winter break and the benefits it brings to both the learning environment and the overall well-being of everyone involved.

If you’re interested in learning more about our K-12 and higher education services for winter break, reach out to your FBG Facility Services representative or email us at

  1. Health and Safety First

Winter is synonymous with cold and flu season, and schools can quickly become breeding grounds for germs. Deep cleaning during winter break helps eliminate lingering viruses and bacteria, reducing the risk of illness for students and staff when they return. A sanitized environment promotes a healthier atmosphere, allowing everyone to focus on learning rather than worrying about potential health hazards.

  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Over the course of the school year, dust, allergens and pollutants accumulate in classrooms and hallways. A thorough cleaning during the winter break helps improve indoor air quality, creating a more comfortable and conducive learning environment. Cleaner air can contribute to increased concentration and productivity among students and educators, positively impacting overall academic performance.

  1. Extend the Life of School Facilities

Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential for preserving the longevity of school facilities. Winter break provides a strategic window to address any wear and tear that may have occurred during the first half of the school year. From deep cleaning carpets to inspecting HVAC systems, taking proactive measures during this time can help prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems, ultimately saving your school money on repairs and replacements.

  1. Boost Morale and Productivity

A clean and well-maintained school environment can have a positive impact on the morale of both students and staff. Walking into a fresh, organized space after the winter break can foster a sense of pride and ownership, creating a more positive atmosphere for learning and collaboration. A clean school environment also contributes to increased productivity and creativity, as students and educators are more likely to thrive in surroundings that are tidy and well-cared for.

  1. Community Engagement and Perception

The appearance of your school reflects its commitment to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment. A deep-cleaned school during the winter break sends a positive message to your community about your school’s dedication to the well-being of its students and staff. This can enhance your school’s reputation and foster a stronger sense of community engagement and support.

As winter break approaches, schools have the perfect opportunity to invest in the well-being of their students and staff by prioritizing deep cleaning. Beyond the obvious health benefits, a clean and well-maintained school environment contributes to a positive atmosphere, improved academic performance and a strong sense of community pride. So, as you close the doors for the winter break, consider giving your school a clean review, ensuring a fresh start for the remainder of the academic year.

If you’re interested in learning more about our K-12 and higher education services for winter break, reach out to your FBG Facility Services representative or email us at