Retha Hernandez Named 2017 Employee of the Year
Retha Hernandez of FBG’s Rocky Mountain District began her FBG career at the Colorado Springs Utilities Systems Energy Control Center where she stayed for 25 years and became the Site Lead. She is now dedicated to the care and cleaning of the Pikes Peak Hospice Center and has been with FBG for 31 years.

Retha Hernandez, FBG Service Corporation Employee of the Year
Her manager, Lawrence Gardner, said, “Retha is an amazing woman with endless energy. I have never met someone with more dedication to her company and customer than she. Retha has never taken a sick day and is incredibly dependable.”
Lawrence told the story of the time Retha was called to tend to her ill mother. She called in several times that day to ensure Lawrence was taking proper care of the customer in her absence. She even came in at the end of the day to check Lawrence’s work. “We laugh about that to this day,” said Lawrence.
Retha is exceptional. Her attitude and her attention to detail consistently exceed our customer’s expectations. She understands the delicate environment in which she operates and knows how important her role is to our customer whose job it is to provide a gentle, comforting atmosphere in the most trying of times. Even the hospice staff lets Lawrence know that Retha is the best. “She doesn’t miss a thing.”
From an operational perspective, Retha is very good about adhering to her job schedule and ensuring that work is completed. She is also great at managing her budget and meeting all contract requirements; But make no mistake: Her number one priority is her customer’s satisfaction.
Randy Zornes, the Rocky Mountain District Director said, “If there was ever an award for what the perfect FBG employee owner looks like, it would include a picture of Retha and a detailed description of her amazing work ethic. She is a vital and cherished member of our team. It’s clear to me that Retha’s father passed along his excellent work ethic to her.”
If there was ever an award for what the perfect FBG employee owner looks like, it would include a picture of Retha and a detailed description of her amazing work ethic.
District Director Randy Zornes, Rocky Mountain District
Retha’s father, Henry Anderson, started with FBG in 1982 as an Area Manager and became a General Maintenance & Supply Manager. In his later role, he managed equipment repairs, material inventory, and provided direct support to operations and our clients. He retired in 1999.
Retha, your father must be so proud of you as he guides you from above. Thank you for the care you deliver to this facility and everyone in it. You hold a very special place in our hearts and in theirs. Congratulations on 31 years with FBG. The entire company applauds your amazing dedication and pride in what you do!